Moonlight Meadery – Londonderry

I first visited Moonlight Meadery during their open house. Their location in Londonderry, NH has plenty of parking. They have all their meads lined up for tasting, and it’s an impressive lineup. Is mead new to you? You’re missing out! Mead is a wine made from honey and Moonlight takes the basic idea and adds in various fruits and spices to create a wide variety ranging from dry to sweet, and even a few spicy ones thrown in. The price is on the high end (I can only imagine what all that honey must cost) at $15 for a 375 ml bottle. Moonlight’s Meads make a great gift – attractive bottle, delicious product, and made in NH.  Currently, McKinnon’s (Salem) and Market Basket (Epping) sell it for $12 (which is a lot like buy 4 bottles get 1 free if you do the math. So buy 5 bottles!)  ¡Salud!
Click to Jump to these reviews:
4 Kurt’s Apple Pie
3 Red Dress
3 Coffee in Bed
0 Entice

Click for icon explanationRed Dress –  Moonlight’s Red Dress is a mead made from honey and red currents. I have no clue what a red current is, but apparently, I really like them because this mead was excellent. A great balance of flavors, Red Dress is lightly sweet without being syrupy or sugary. You could easily drink this with a rich meal or a with dessert (or like me, as the dessert). Best served at basement temperature or with a slight chill.

Click for icon explanationCoffee in Bed – No, it’s not the classic joke of adding ‘in bed’ to the end of every fortune – Coffee in Bed is a creamy selection from Moonlight Meadery. Serve it with a slight chill, and enjoy smooth honey notes (reminds me of vanilla too) followed by a light coffee aftertaste. I’m going to pair my next bottle with dark chocolate espresso beans. If you try this mead, ‘Plan for many pleasures ahead’…in bed (eye roll- I know -but I couldn’t resist).

Click for icon explanationEntice – Super Moon! On March 19th, we had the biggest full moon in 18 years. What better way to celebrate than to drink some mead from Moonlight Meadery! I thought mead with the Super Moon would make a clever photo, but with my “super-skills,” the moon looks like a Skittle. Imagine it huge! We selected Entice, a blend of tart cherries and honey (although the photo is a bottle of Coffee). It’s on the dryer side and you will notice the tartness immediately. Entice was not sweet enough for me – I’m sticking with their Apple Pie.

Click for icon explanationKurt’s Apple Pie  If you like apple pie, you need to buy this mead from Moonlight Meadery. Now. Seriously, stop reading this post and go. The cinnamon scent is a great precursor to the spices and sweet apple flavor. For a real treat, serve with apple pie and vanilla ice cream, drizzle Kurt’s over the ice cream, and pour yourself a glass too of course.

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